Wednesday, 1 May 2013

NVivo Tutorials - Data Analysis for Interviews and Thematic Coding

As I'll be making use of the content analysis approach to analyse the data I've collected from the interviews, I thought I'd start learning how to use NVivo 10 that is available in the school computers. NVivo 10 is a qualitative data analysis software that handles virtually any types of data, allows the user to work through his/her gathered information, highlights key points, performs qualitative data analysis, and uncovers subtle trends from the data. As one of the data analysis techniques that I'll be using is coding (descriptive/analytical), NVivo 10 is an appropriate software to use since it allows for both coding and auto-coding.

The first tutorial shows us how to use NVivo 10 to work with interviews, articles, and other documents.

The second tutorial shows us how to use NVivo 10 to organise materials into themes for coding.

The data analysis method might be subjected to changes upon subsequent consultations with Kerry. Nevertheless, I have been told by my peers and Kerry that NVivo is a rather useful software in managing and organising large volumes of data. Should I have the time, I will definitely explore NVivo in greater detail.

1 comment:

  1. New NVivo 12 Full Version
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